Gardening Australia 2018

Gardening Australia ep. 26 2018

Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a garden of old-fashioned plants, Josh Byrne explores an art display that questions our ideas of weeds, Sophie Thomson meets a nut tree expert and Tino Carnevale has tips for newbie gardeners.


For almost 30 years Gardening Australia has provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.


Gardening Australia ep. 26 2018


Field of the Unwanted

Josh explores a living art installation that features beautiful displays of weeds and challenges our views of the value we place on plants – and people

Nuts About Nuts

Sophie meets a nurseryman who specialises in nut trees, and he advises on the best varieties to grow in South Australia

What’s Old is New – Herb Salt Scrub

Guest presenter Rebecca Sullivan shows how to make a herb scrub from garden ingredients

My Garden Path – Hellabores

We meet a hellebore enthusiast who loves these winter-flowering plants so much he moved house and set up a nursery to focus on growing them

The Kindest Cut

Millie Ross shows how to rejuvenate a potted bay tree


Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions

Giving it a Goat

Costa is in Western Australia visiting a productive garden that aims to sustain a suburban share-house community – and its resident goats

Top Tips for Newbies

Tino has some tips to help overcome – and avoid – the most common problems and pitfalls new gardeners are likely to face

Subtropical Treasures

Jerry visits a colourful garden full of old-fashioned, overlooked flowers that thrive in the heat

Gardening Australia 2018

Gardening Australia ep. 25 2018

Millie Ross meets an artist who creates cultural works with plants, Costa Georgiadis visits Clarence Slockee in his garden, Jerry Coleby-Williams shows different ways to propagate, and Josh Byrne plants out a wetzone.



For almost 30 years Gardening Australia has provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.

Gardening Australia ep. 25 2018


Catching up with Clarence

Costa helps past presenter Clarence Slockee with some jobs in his garden, and they harvest enough vegies to cook up a feast

The Joy of Propagation

Jerry loves growing new plants and he shares some different propagation techniques: aerial layering, ground layering and controlling self-seeders

FAQs – Soil depth for sowing | Browning lawns | Compost bins | Daffodils not flowering

Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions

A Sculpted Space

Sophie visits an undulating garden full of colour, form and scent that has been created from a flat patch of grass

Growing a Community

Tino meets a group of community-minded gardeners who share a small patch in South Hobart, growing great crops as well as learning from each other

Euphorbia Tip

Jane Edmanson has some tips to stop euphorbias taking over

Putting Water to Work

Josh plants out some water-loving indigenous plants in a wetzone he’s created where stormwater can settle

Sharing the Knowledge

Millie meets up with artist Cassie Leatham to learn how she uses indigenous plants in her culturally rich creations

Clarence’s BBQ Salad Recipe

The recipe for Clarence’s Barbequed Salad Dish


Gardening Australia 2018

Gardening Australia ep. 24 2018

Costa Georgiadis visits chef Peter Gilmore’s garden, Sophie Thomson plants summer-flowering bulbs, Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests onion substitutes for sub-tropical gardeners, and Jane Edmanson explores a native garden.


For almost 30 years Gardening Australia has provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.

Gardening Australia ep. 24 2018


Gilmore’s Goodies

Costa visits Sydney chef Peter Gilmore’s home garden, where he discovers some unusual plants –then cooks them up for lunch

FAQs – Fertilising natives | Pruning hedges | Compost vs potting mix

Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions

Subtropical Onions

Onions don’t grow well in the subtropics but Jerry has discovered some edible, heat-tolerant alliums he can use instead

Moving On

Millie Ross has some tips for moving plants to a new location


Jane explores a gorgeous botanic garden dedicated to growing Australian native plants, set in the delightful Dandenong Ranges

My Garden Path – A Life Aquatic

We enter a fascinating world of underwater gardening – complete with plants, rocks, fertilisers and pruning – as we meet this aquatic landscaper

What’s Old is New

Guest presenter Rebecca Sullivan shares some old-time skills for using garden plants, making an air freshener spray from fresh herbs and citrus

Summer-flowering Bulbs

Sophie shares some ideas for gardeners who have missed planting spring bulbs with this selection of summer-flowering bulbs

Soup-a-Veg Recipe

Peter Gilmore’s fresh vegetable soup recipe

Gardening Australia 2018

Gardening Australia ep. 23 2018

Millie Ross suggests Aussie plants to grow indoors, Costa Georgiadis discovers some rare camellias, Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a Tillandsia expert and Jane Edmanson discovers great food can be grown in tough spaces.

For almost 30 years Gardening Australia has provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.


Gardening Australia ep. 23 2018


Camellia Ark

Costa meets a super-keen camellia grower who stepped in to save a collection of heritage Camellia cultivars from being bulldozed

FAQs – Watering succulents | Apple trees from seed | Fish bones in compost

Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions

Pathway Plants

Josh Byrne has tips on keeping plants under control along pathways

My Garden Path – Guerrilla Great | Shirley Johnson

As the deadline looms for entries to this year’s Gardener of the Year award, we meet the 2016 winner and visit her exciting kerbside creations

Aussie Indoors

Millie introduces some of the many Australian rainforest plants and ferns that would make excellent indoor plants

No Soil Required

Jerry visits a gardener who specialises in Tillandsias – fascinating plants that can literally survive on thin air

Perennial Veg

For gardeners who are too busy to fuss over annual plants that need replacing each season, Tino has a suggestion – try perennial vegetables that will keep going for years

Tasty TAFE

Jane explores an inner-city garden designed with cooking in mind and meets some of the students creating masterpieces from its unusual plants

Jobs for the Weekend – 29 June 2018

Seasonal advice on jobs to do in the garden this weekend

Camellia Pruning

Watch this web exclusive on specialised camellia pruning


Gardening Australia 2018

Gardening Australia ep. 22 2018

Josh Byrne takes us on a tour of WA’s best wildflowers, Sophie Thomson visits a date farm, Millie Ross & Squid go hunting for truffles and Tino Carnevale checks out the giant pumpkins at an old-style country show.

For almost 30 years Gardening Australia has provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.

Gardening Australia ep. 22 2018


A Spectacular Show

The eye-dazzling colour of Western Australia’s spring wildflowers are world famous for a good reason – Josh heads outback to share some of the dramatic plants and landscapes.

Gardening on the Edge

Sophie meets an artist who is inspired by her Fleurieu Peninsula home and the plants that thrive in her garden, despite the tough coastal conditions

Turning the Tide

Costa visits Montague Island to learn how Kikuyu grass is threatening the Little Penguins that breed there – and how locals are fighting back to save them

Underground Riches

Can Millie’s dog Squid be trained to sniff out truffles? Millie takes her to a truffle farm for a test run and to see how the highly prized fungi is grown

The Purple House

Jane explores a garden full of traditional medicine plants that has been created at an Alice Springs clinic as part of the patients’ healing process

A Labour of Love

Sophie Thomson learns all about growing date palms

It’s Showtime

Tino goes to the Bream Creek Show to check out the great vegies and produce, including some of the biggest pumpkins he’s ever seen

Pumpkin Pickin’

Tino has some tips on identifying when pumpkins are ready to be picked

My Garden Path – Dr Rod Fensham

We meet Dr Rod Fensham, a passionate plant ecologist, whose work at the University of Queensland requires him to fully understand the conservation of Queensland flora

Jose’s Dream

Deep in the far north Queensland rainforest lies a ruined castle set in glorious tropical gardens; Jerry visits to discover who built it and why